Date Posted
February 19, 2024
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Having an ATTC Education tutor during these critical primary school years can provide significant benefits for your child’s academic, emotional, and personal development. Here’s why.
Build a Strong Foundation
Key skills in literacy and numeracy are solidified in Years 3 to 6.
A tutor ensures your child fully grasps these fundamental concepts, setting them up for future success.
A tutor ensures your child fully grasps these fundamental concepts, setting them up for future success.
- Fill Learning Gaps
- Tailored Learning Support
- Boost Confidence
Whether due to missed lessons or a lack of understanding, gaps in knowledge can develop. A tutor identifies and addresses these gaps early to prevent them from becoming bigger issues later on.
Each child learns differently. A tutor provides personalised attention, adjusting their teaching style and pace to suit your child’s unique needs.
Many children begin to feel academic pressure during these years. A tutor helps build confidence, ensuring they feel capable and motivated in the classroom.
Each child learns differently. A tutor provides personalised attention, adjusting their teaching style and pace to suit your child’s unique needs.
Many children begin to feel academic pressure during these years. A tutor helps build confidence, ensuring they feel capable and motivated in the classroom.
Prepare for Grammar and Entrance Tests
For Year 4 and 5 students aiming for grammar schools or private school entrance exams, tutoring provides focused preparation in verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, English, and math’s.
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